Today wrapped up an Amazing few weeks of Selfless Love... United as One, across the US, we walked for a bigger cause than Ourselves... We walked for All Children afflicted with Terminal Diseases...
We started this Journey off in Detroit MI, followed the next week by Portland OR, Dallas TX, Huntington Beach CA and then Chicago IL...
One week later, this Saturday May 22nd, Our Ogden UT :LTD)( Team,... led by Team Leader Shalee Booker and Husband Dustin, Absolutely KILLED IT!!! WOW what a Great Showing of Unity and Love!!! The numbers of Troops in UT were staggering considering the amount of time they had to put this together; VERY IMPRESSIVE (almost forgot to mention the unfavorable weather They endured; hail storms and rain)!!!
THANK YOU UTAH for REPRESENTING :LTD)( in this GRAND Manor that You displayed for Our Children and beyond... Yes, this particular walks funds went towards CF Research via the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), but Our :LTD)( Family Marches for All Children with Life Threatening Afflictions... ALL CHILDREN; ALL THE TIME...xo
We Are Family... We Are One... We Are LIVING THE DREAM!!!
Love You All...♥
We were honored Brother. Thank you for the opportunity to do something bigger then ourselves. I couldn't be more proud to be in this amazingly unreal family. Xoxo