Today marked the start of the 09 Warped Tour. We were blessed to have Harmony join us for the day. Harmony has cancer and has been an :LTD)( Family Member for almost 2 years now; We're so fortunate that we've crossed paths. We had a Super Fun Day Today!!!
Thank You Warped Tour!!
Thank You Hurley!!
And A Special Thank You To Harmony!!
We Love You......
i cant tell you how amazing my day was. This was alot of first for me. My first warped tour and getting to meet and hang out with my favorite band EVER!!! Buddy was amazing. Thank you Scottie and LTD/Hurley for making my day fantastic!!! I love LTD and all that it stands for. Scottie you truly are an amazing man for putting this whole thing together and giving us all hope. I love you so much and I am so blessed to be part of the LTD family!!!