Friday, September 30, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-30-11

“I’m not quite sure when vanity disappeared from my life, but I’m pretty sure growing up had something to do with its disappearance.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-30-11

“Grandes soñadores con una gran imaginación crían grandes logros.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-30-11

“Zero experience is required when creating something original.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-30-11

“Todos vivimos con la enfermedad terminal llamada Vida.” ~Scottie Somers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-29-11

“Imagine what your life would be, if only you would commit to your imagination.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-29-11

“Will you win? Will your win!” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-29-11

“Tu estás a mitad de camino, si tu crees en tus sueños.” ~Scottie Somers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-27-11

“Love what you stand for, or sit down.” ~Scottie Somers

Monday, September 26, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-26-11

“Without our lows, we wouldn’t appreciate our highs.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-26-11

“Sus sueños se harán realidad si usted da pasos hacia sus manifestaciones cotidianas. Cree: te puede pasar a ti.” ~Scottie Somers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-25-11

“Fear kills resolutions; resolutions kill fear. Don’t let fear kill your resolution.” ~Scottie Somers

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-24-11

“Life declares war on the body; prepare for battle by exercising your body and mind to its peak, your quality of life and survival depend on it.” ~Scottie Somers

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-23-11

“I’m not here to talk about being sick; I’m here to talk about Living.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-23-11

“Si estás cansado y ya no puedes más, despierta y comienza Viviendo El Sueño.” ~Scottie Somers

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-22-11

“Se agradecido cuando despiertes que estás vivo, y después demuéstrale al mundo de lo que eres capaz.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-22-11

“Appreciate how alive pain makes you feel; the deceased feel no pain.” ~Scottie Somers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-20-11

“Get ready, get set, go; start now, what you want to finish.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-20-11

“Si usted se siente cómodo en vida, usted no está persiguiendo sus Sueños.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-20-11

“Recuerdas cuando podías volar. Cuando la palabra que usabas más era porqué. Cuando tus super heroes nunca morían. Cuando los pensamientos y los sueños llovían desde el cielo. Cuando casi cualquier cosa te hacia llorar. Cuando no había absolutamente nada que no pudieras intentar. Cuando saltabas con ambos pies y gritabas banzai. Porqué crecer y tener que decir adiós. Ahora yo me quedo aquí solo, solo yo, yo mismo Yo.” ~Scottie Somers

Monday, September 19, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-19-11

“Your life is not a flip of a coin, so don’t conduct your decision making in this manner. Do you really want to leave it up to chance whether you succeed or not?” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-19-11

“Note to self; nobody will ever invest more in you then yourself. So why are you trusting the hand of another to decide whether you succeed or not?” ~Scottie Somers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-18-11

“La complacencia es el hogar de la pena de muerte; escapa a la alegría y empieza Viviendo el Sueño.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-18-11

“Hoy escribimos un nuevo capítulo. La historia es tan preciosa, tu eres el actor. El guión aun no está escrito, cada acto es un factor. ¿Cómo deseas ser conocido para siempre?.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-18-11

“Remember when you could fly. When the word you used most was why. When your super heroes would never die. When thoughts and dreams rained down from the sky. When almost anything could make you cry. When there was absolutely nothing you wouldn’t try. When you’d jump in with both feet screaming banzai. Why did you grow up and have to say goodbye. Now I’m left here all alone, just me, myself and I.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-18-11

“Feel the moment. Direct the moment. Steal the moment. It’s your moment.” ~Scottie Somers

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-15-11

“The best stock to invest in is yourself. Ticker symbol: YSLF” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-15-11

“Eres un Heroe, y aunque a través de; su inspiración para mí, es cierta y verdadera. Deseo una vida aquí, de nirvana para usted, una vida de amor, reflejo de un lugar Celestial.” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-15-11

“Nos damos de comer amor; Así es como sobrevivimos.” ~Scottie Somers

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-14-11

“Una Nación Unida. Nuestro Sacrificio es tan grande. Extendemos nuestra mano. El amor es la marca. FUNDACIÓN VIVIENDO EL SUEÑO” ~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-14-11

“Greatness is not a birthright. Strap on your armor and fight. Failure is not an option despite. It’s your story and book to write.” ~Scottie Somers

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-13-11

“Equality is a behavior that will eventually descend you downward in due time. Strive to be a leader in life that forges new paths; only then will you be free.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-13-11

“Caminar sobre agua es algo fácil de hacer, cuando estoy Viviendo el Sueño tomado de la mano contigo.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-13-11

“No es por las cosas que acumules en la vida por lo que la gente te recordará; es por los regalos que compartes con otros que dejan una impresión inolvidable.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-13-11

“El anillo de diamantes no se encuentra en la arena, a menos que usted lo busque.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-13-11

“El Amor te permite Soñar. El Miedo te permite perseguir tus sueños.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-13-11

“La muerte no me asusta, ya que he atestiguado y he sentido el gran dolor. No me asusta Vivir el Sueño, para una vida que no comparte y se y preocupa, es una vida desperdiciada en vano.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Cotización del Día" 09-13-11

“Diga estas tres palabras: Yo Te Amo. El tiempo es tan precioso, no pienses en ello. La recompensa no tiene precio y vale la pena hacerlo. No espere a que el barco zarpe y la vida le diga adiós.”
~Scottie Somers

Monday, September 12, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-12-11

“I’m scared to death of not Living The Dream.”
~Scottie Somers

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Highlights from the past Century - Very Inspirational"

Time: The measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.

2011: “PRESENT”

**(2007: Living The Dream was launched June 1st, 2007 by Scottie Somers.)**
**(2005: was launched after purchasing the domain name URL for $200,000.)**
**(2003: Myspace was created in 2003.)**

2001: The World Trade Center Towers came crashing down.

**(2001: The iPod was unveiled to the public.)**
**(1999: Hurley was Founded by Bob Hurley.)**

1991: A home video captured Los Angeles police officers beating Rodney King.

**(1987: Google was invented in 1987.)**

1981: President Ronald Regan was shot and Iran released American Hostages.

**(1973: The first cell call in a test environment was made in 1973; cell service began in 1983.)**

1971: Astronauts drive lunar buggy on moon and Jim Morrison dies.

**(1969: The first man stepped on the moon.)**
**(1967: The computer was invented.)**

1961: JFK becomes youngest president.
1951: U.S. tests A-bombs in Nevada.
1941: Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and U.S. enters World War II.
1931: Empire State Building opens, Al Capone was arrested and Thomas Edison dies.
1921: Einstein comes to NYC and you could by a Buick Touring Car Model D for $650.
1911: Cancer virus discovered by Rous and First American woman gets pilot’s license.

I created this list in order to show (YOU) our :LTDF Family all that’s happened and has been created in the past 100 Years. If this doesn’t inspire you to make the next 10 years count for something in your life, then nothing will; an overnight success takes 10 years.

“Today we write a brand new chapter. The story so precious, you play the actor. The scripts unwritten, each act’s a factor. How do you want to be known ever after?”
~Scottie Somers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-08-11

“In your mind there is an image of opulence; imagine what your life could be like if you built out this image, and then build it.”
~Scottie Somers

Monday, September 5, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-05-11

“Your dreams will come true if you take steps towards their manifestation everyday. Believe; it can happen to you.”
~Scottie Somers

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-03-11

“Pride has gotten me nowhere, but I’m too proud to admit it. Pride will get you nowhere; don’t be too proud to admit it.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-03-11

“Cash is Queen; Courage is King.”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-03-11

“Do you know what you want to be when you grow up; have you grown up yet?”
~Scottie Somers

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-03-11

“Your value is no greater than your gift.”
~Scottie Somers

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Scottie Somers Quote of the Day" 09-01-11

“To control your destiny and become “it”, you must master the red light, green light game of life.”
~Scottie Somers