Below written by Liz to Bob Hurley:
Dear Mr. Hurley-
I wanted to take a minute to tell you about my amazing day at warped tour and to thank everyone for everything that they did for me throughout the day. My name is Liz. I'm 20 years old and I have Cystic Fibrosis. I met Scottie Somers 5 years ago through my cousin. I was so excited to meet him, especially knowing that he was then 37 years old and had Cystic Fibrosis like me. When I met him, he took me to Warped Tour in Fullerton, California in the summer of 2004. It was an amazing day. I was the very first person Scottie had ever taken to Warped Tour!
A few weeks ago Scottie asked me if I'd like to join him again for Warped Tour, but this time in Pennsylvania where I live. I of course said yes, and was excited all week! When I got there, I met up with Scottie and Kacie. Scottie introduced me to everyone. I first met Lauren, she gave me my wristband and made sure I had enough water throughout the day. She even put together a bag of really awesome merch for me! She was so nice. I loved her! After I got my wristband, we went to eat lunch. We ate with a few guys from ASkyLitDrive. The food was really good. A lot of it was vegan and that was perfect since I don't eat meat. After lunch it was time to see the first band. It was Saosin and I was VERY excited. They are one of my favorite bands. Scottie was able to get me up on stage and I got to watch their whole performance from up there. It was AMAZING!!!! After Saosin, I got to see a lot of other great bands that I have never listened to before. Scottie had me watch the Gallows. I'm so excited that he had me watch them because they were so good. The lead singer was crazy!
Another one of my favorite bands performing was UnderOath. Before they went on I met their drummer Aaron Gillespie and their keyboardist Chris Dudley. They were both super nice to me! I even got to keep one of Aaron's drumsticks. Their performance was awesome. I got to stand behind Aaron the whole time. They definitely put on a rad show. After UnderOath, I also got to see Senses Fail, another one of my favorites, and A Day to Remember. Those guys were so good! So not only did I get to see my favorite bands, I also got to hear some other bands that I now love.
After dinner we went back to the Hurley Living The Dream tent and just hung out. I got to meet Kate. She was such a sweetheart to me. She asked me if there was anyone I didn't get to meet that I really wanted to see. I of course said Saosin! She then told me that Saosin would be down to the tent in a little bit to see me. I was so excited! A little bit later Justin and Cove from Saosin got there and hung out with me. They were the nicest guys I have ever met. Cove told me some really funny stores and made me laugh so much! Before they left they took some pictures with me, and Justin even gave me one of his bracelets. It was honestly the highlight of my day! I also got to meet Sarah. She hung out at the tent with us too. She was fun! She also made sure I had everything I needed.
The main reason I'm writing this letter is to take the time to thank you and everybody involved with Hurley and Warped Tour. You have made me and so many other children happy. Everything you all do is such an amazing thing and I can't thank you enough. Scottie Somers, Kacie, Lauren, Kate, Kevin Lyman, Sarah and everybody else I met are all amazing people. I haven't even met you, but I know you are an amazing person as well for all that you do. Scottie is such an inspiration to me, and he gives me so much hope for my future living with Cystic Fibrosis. I no longer wake up scared not knowing how I'll feel that day. I now wake up so happy to be alive and know that life is a beautiful thing and just living is the best gift of all. It's not how long you live, it's how you spend the time while you are still here. Please pass along my Thank You's to everyone involved with Hurley, Living The Dream, and Warped Tour. You all have beautiful hearts and you have all made me realize that I am Living The Dream.
I think about how far I've come along since the day She taught Me how to make a heart on myspace...
I Love You Liz... You'll Never know just how TRULY SPECIAL You Are to Me...